Monday, September 27

Facts About Allison

  1. Whenever I come home, country music is the only music that seems appropriate. Something about the prairies, I guess.
  2. One of the first things I do once I log onto FB, is check his page. Everytime.
  3. I have made/spent more money this summer than any 19-year old should (or so I think).
  4. I really want to get dreadlocks, turn full-hippie, and work in a kitchen for the rest of my life.... but I know it wouldn't be a good life choice.
  5. I ate 1125 calories at lunch today.
  6. If I never had to wear pants again, I wouldn't.
  7. My addiction to caffeine is ridiculous.
  8. I'm going to Las Vegas in January, and am more excited about the food than the booze/gambling.
  9. I have no idea where the summer went. It feels like I just got home... 5 months ago.
  10. I got my first speeding ticket a couple of weeks ago. I'm surprised it took this long.

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