Sunday, April 10

Job hunting.

Everyone hates it. If someone tells you they enjoy looking for a job, kick 'em in the shins and walk away. Because they, my friends, are lying.

There is so much stress and nerves associated with looking for a job. and why?? Everyone knows how awkward and painful it is to walk into a place and basically beg for a job.
Everyone has been there at some point, they know how it is. So why can't we get past this?

Why, by some weird social standard, is it necessary to completely hide who you really are, act completly polite and proper (when we all know you aren't), and try to bulls**t your way into a job?

Let's not waste everyone's time, just start off being you. They're gonna meet the real you sooner or later.

And sooner is always better.

1 comment:

Just A Girl said...

Oh Alle, no matter where you go or what you want to do, you'll do great at.
No one can say no to your loverly facial area.