Tuesday, October 19

how do you go from being closer than close with someone one day, to complete strangers the next?

being forced to act like what you used to have was never there, to pretend that the memories never happened?

how do you wake up one morning, and go about life, "ok" with the fact that things have completly changed.

Or is it a gradual process?
in the days, weeks, months leading up to this inevitable change, what happens? Were there signs that I missed. Did others know what was coming?
I guess in a way I knew.

something happened. But I ignored the signs, the hints.
They whispered to me at night "this isn't right. remember how it used to be?" "Do you have any idea what you're doing to him? To yourself?".
putting doubts in my head, the idea was planted.

But i pushed it aside.
kept going.
ignoring the fact that the world I had built around me was slowly crumbling.

So here I am.
surrounded in ruins.
forced to build that wall back up around myself before someone can get in.
before there's a chance to be hurt again.
Me or him.

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