Saturday, October 23

There is no manual to living

Sometimes I feel as though no one cares.

No one has the time to listen.

We're all too busy wrapped up in our own torment, our own heartbreaks, to realize the pain right beside us.

The world seems so small some days, like there isn't enough room for one more. One more soul trying to make it through this life without being destroyed. One more, just trying to get by day by day.

But then, some days this planet we're co-existing on is so big, so unforgiving and foreign. It's like trying to play a game when you don't know the rules, or how to win.

Some would say that's what makes it so great. "Make them up as you go!" "You win when you have the biggest, the best, the most expensive. When you're happy". You are in control, they'll say. Make life what You want from it.

But is it really that easy?
I wish it was. But it isn't. There are consequences to your actions. You have to live with the results of your decisions. So in a way, you really aren't in control.

You're just trying to make it out alive.

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